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Showing posts from May, 2011

DotNetNuke WebFormsMvp.IView error

I am not sure what this error is of DotNetNuke source for visual studio 2010. Error 4 Class 'ModuleViewBase' must implement 'ReadOnly Property ThrowExceptionIfNoPresenterBound As Boolean' for interface 'WebFormsMvp.IView'. Implementing property must have matching 'ReadOnly' or 'WriteOnly' specifiers. C:\Users\general\svn\DotNetNuke\Build\Trunk\DotNetNuke.Web\Mvp\ModuleViewBase.vb 31 20 DotNetNuke.Web I tried searching for this error but no solution. I am not sure how this error can be resolved. Any one has any suggestions? Update-5/9/2011: I am not sure if by mistake I mixed the source code with C# and VB. The svn is I think C# where as the codeplex source may still be VB and upgrading from one to the other may have resulted in the issue. I am not 100% sure, but deleted the source and starting from scratch now; glad my custom modules source code is separate. Sad part I have to restart all over again.