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Showing posts from July, 2012

Web services may fail on Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.5 and Windows 7 Service Pack 1 with .NET Framework 4.0 due to extensionless URL handlers

Ran into this issue with Helicon ISAPI Rewrite 3. Running a side by side cshtml layout razor web pages is conflicting with Helicon ISAPI Rewrite which was a previous install on the Windows Server 2008 R2. Web services may fail on Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.5 and Windows 7 Service Pack 1 with .NET Framework 4.0 due to extensionless URL handlers

Windows 2008 R2 and .cshtml mine type/handler

Not easy trying to figure out what is at issue in trying to make .cshtml work on a windows 2008 R2 server, even after installing .Net Framework 4.0 Full x64 bit as initially I installed the .Net Framework Client Profile. After reading hours and hours and trying to figure out what could be the issue, I stumbled upon this article which shows in great detail what to do. Steps to take: Note : Caution, not advised for production, use at your own risk. Go to “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET Web Pages\ v2.0 \Assemblies\” Copy these file in root of your web site or virtual folder for you application: Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure System.Web.Helpers System.Web.Razor System.Web.WebPages.Deployment System.Web.WebPages System.Web.WebPages.Razor WebMatrix.Data WebMatrix.WebData Run your application Hope this resolves the issue of mine type setup for the application. -------------------------- Below are some additional updates, one may need to apply to make the applicat