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Showing posts from February, 2022

Horrible Bad Worst UiPath Studio Sign In Experience

 I have spend hours trying to just login to the UiPath Studio to connect to orchestrator, what a garbage of a setup. What the hell is "Cannot acquire a license." for "Connect to Orchestrator" message? What stupid settings to I have to set? What is the purpose of "Edit license allocation"? with regard to "Licenses" tab, which does nothing to remove that silly message of "Cannot acquire license". Just let me login, show me what settings to change step by step. I created a orchestrator organization and I am the administrator. Under Administrator area and section Licenses; the licenses are under Community Plan, and the subscription expiry, ah the heck with "expiry" it's on Jun 24, 2023. My laptop is the only active machine, if I have to delete the who dam account to start over, I will; just tell me what shit I need to change... Desperate for help so I am no longer experiencing the horrible bad worst UIPath studio sign-in obnox